Our Business

Products & Services

The refinery selects the crude and determines the product slates in order to maximize its profitability within the parameters established by the shareholders. All items are put through a rigorous quality check before being distributed to the Kazakhstani domestic market and export markets, particularly those in the Far East.

Exigo Oil and Gas also works hard to integrate with downstream industries in Kazakhstan. The refinery is open to new business ventures, including the sale of finished or intermediate products as feedstock for the petrochemical industry and related sectors, as well as the purchase of intermediate process streams from potential suppliers.

Please send us an email if you have questions about our products and services.

Our Products

In order to ensure excellence throughout our value chain and to benefit the region by utilizing our state-of-the-art infrastructure, our mission is to work as a team with individuals who are constantly working to enhance their business and technical talents.

Our Business Model

Our company’s development strategy, which aims to maintain steady annual growth while maintaining a position that is commercially sustainable, is the foundation of our business plan. We fight carbon emissions and lessen our impact on the environment while simultaneously advancing human growth every day.

Oil Refining & Marketing

Exigo Oil and Gas’s two business divisions are refining and marketing. Exigo Oil and Gas works with significant Russian and Kazakh refineries, which have a total processing capacity of more than 500,000 barrels per day. Exigo Oil and Gas is responsible for managing the operations, product supply, bio and intermediate feedstock, and gas logistics. Petrochemicals and products made by Exigo Oil and Gas. It runs three competitive inland refineries with a 17.8 million tonne annual capacity in Kazakhstan and Russia. The company is updating its range of catalytic cracking catalysts with the assistance of experts from the Institute for Problems of Hydrocarbon Processing of the kazakhstan Academy of Sciences. The development of catalysts for hydro-processes is the responsibility of the Kazakhstan Institute of Catalysis.


Selling crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products on both domestic and international markets allows Exigo Oil and Gas to make sure that flows are distributed efficiently to meet market demand. The Company possesses infrastructure for transshipping crude oil and petroleum products as well as pipelines, which helps to lower the cost of transportation. Exigo Oil and Gas has a well-established marketing strategy and infrastructure for selling petroleum products on both domestic and foreign markets. Exigo Oil and Gas increased the amount of petroleum products it exported in 2020, reaching 25.3 million tons. (For 2021, 10.2 million tons are anticipated.) The increase in supply volumes was considerably aided by the 2021 acquisition. The Company provided 1.1 million tons of its own oil to plants with a 3 percent participation rate in 2020, a 3% increase from the prior year. The company keeps an eye on the profitability of the oil monetization channels in order to increase the proportion of high-margin channels in the overall sales structure.

Gas Production

Exigo Oil and Gas places a high priority on the expansion of its processing volume, the creation of energy at its own power plants, and its operating activities in the domains of gas production and transportation. The most cutting-edge machinery is employed throughout all Exigo Oil and Gas fields to guarantee excellent performance of connected petroleum gas usage. An integrated system for gathering and using the gas must include the processing of associated petroleum gas. The Company’s gas processing facility is a cutting-edge facility that can provide dry stripped gas and liquid hydrocarbons, both of which are extensively used in industrial and commercial activities in Kazakhstan. The plant’s goods are of outstanding quality and meet all requirements set forth by the Turkmenistan government.

Gas production and delivery, as well as increasing processing capacity and producing electricity at its own power plants, are priorities for Exigo Oil and Gas. Exigo Oil and Gas uses the most modern equipment in all of its locations to provide the best performance of connected petroleum gas consumption. The bigger system for gathering and utilising the gas includes the processing of related petroleum gas. The Company’s gas processing plant is a cutting-edge facility that can create liquid hydrocarbons and dry stripped gas, both of which are extensively used in Russian industry and commerce. The plant produces high-quality goods that adhere to technical criteria set by the state and the Customs Union.

Exploration & Production

Strengthening and expanding the Company’s resource base is one of its strategic objectives. The continuity of production activities and the accomplishment of hydrocarbon production goals are guaranteed by the strong resource base. The Company consistently replenishes oil and gas reserves by engaging in a significant amount of exploration activities and growing its portfolio of licenses. The fields and licensing blocks owned by the Company are located in Kazakhstan. The Company places a high priority on the use of new technologies and equipment in exploration, as well as the support of operations by research and development and design institutes, all of which assist it to be more effective.

Exigo Oil and Gas is a company that manages oil fields in kazakhstan. In the upstream sector, the Company is committed to ensuring production quantities that allow it to strike a balance between economic efficiency and mineral resource rationalization. Exigo Oil and Gas sustains mature field production levels while actively developing difficult-to-recover reserves. At the same time, the Company is actively developing attractive areas and establishing new oil production hubs.

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